Errant Bodies project space is dedicated to experimental work in sound, performance, voice and spatial practices. Through residencies, workshops, events and exhibitions, Errant Bodies emphasizes an engagement with process and dialogue, encouraging a dynamic and diverse approach to the sound arts. As a project space, it also intends to foster social and public activities, contributing to the creative scene in Berlin. It is organized and developed through its working group comprised of Berlin-based sound artists and researchers.


Pirate/Public – positions in contemporary radio art / Positionen aktueller Radiokunst

What’s the difference between a pirate and a privateer?  It’s not the act, it’s the authority. Only the privateer – who seems to be acting purely on his own initiative – has the papers authorizing him to do so. The histories of broadcasting and maritime law are closely intertwined, as we can tell from their similar forms of organization. Radio has its public and private branches, and its pirate ones too. But these clear distinctions are no longer valid in today’s radio landscape. Podcasts, web archives and the internet have caused shifts in content types, listening areas, audiences and jurisdictions. So is something being commandeered? If so, how? And most importantly, what? 

Pirate/Public invites you to explore these and other questions on four evenings at Errant Bodies Sound Art Space.


Was unterscheidet den Piraten vom Kaperer? Nicht die Tat, sondern die Befugnis. Nur der Kaperer (engl. privateer), der scheinbar aus purem Eigensinn handelt, ist qua Dokument auch dazu befugt. Die Geschichte des Rundfunks ist eng mit derjenigen des Seerechts verquickt, was sich unter anderem auch in den verwandten Organisationsformen niederschlägt. Das Radio und seine öffentlich-rechtlichen, privaten sowie piratistischen Ableger. Diese klaren Abgrenzungen gelten jedoch in der aktuellen Radiolandschaft nicht mehr. Durch Internet, Podcast und Webarchive verschieben sich inhaltliche Kategorien, Sendegebiete, Zuhörerschaften und Zuständigkeiten. Bleibt die Frage, ob und wie und vor allem was gekapert wird? 

Pirate/Public widmet sich an vier Abenden diesen und anderen Fragen und lädt dazu in den Errant Bodies Sound Art Space ein. 

Errant Bodies Sound Art Space
Kollwitzstrasse 97
10435 Berlin


Thursday, March 3rd, 19:00

Lautstrom/reboot fm - presented by Anna Bromley
Datscha-Radio - presented by Gaby Schaffner
Das Radio ist nicht Sibirien - Performance by Rafael Jové
Discussion with participants, moderation: Antje Vowinckel 

Friday, April 1st, 19:00

On Air - Performance by Brandon LaBelle
Melody minus one. Eine Jagd - presented by Antje Vowinckel 
Nachrichtentstellt. Eine plattenspielerische Lautdichtung aus Radionachrichten - Performance by Marc Matter
Discussion with participants, moderation: Anna Bromley

Thursday, May 5th, 19:00

A travers le savon. Erweiterte Übersetzung in Ton, Bild, Gesten und Geruch - Performance by Ines Lechleitner
Ate feat. Ed D.: obey God - presented by Serge Baghdassarians and Boris Baltschun
Discussion with participants, moderation: Marcus Gammel

Thursday, May 12th, 19:00

Listening lounge: Barry Bermange

Entrance: 5€/3€

Pirate/Public is a project by Antje Vowinckel and Serge Baghdassarians from Errant Bodies Sound Art Space, generously supported by the Pankow Bezirksamt Berlin.

Errant Bodies Sound Art Space / focusing on experimental work and research on sound through exhibition, performance, fieldwork, and text. The project space is organized by a working group consisting of Berlin-based artists, academics, curators, and writers. For more information contact: